This is an unofficial HOWTO, any mistakes or errors are purely by me
and nothing to do with the guys at avetana. This guide will
you compile and install the avetana libraries for Linux. Thank you
avetana for providing us with a free library to play with. You can
visit them here.
First, you need to get the source codes from their Sourceforge site or
CVS. If you're getting the CVS version you're on your own, ^.^. Get the
source codes from here.
Extract the file to a temporary directory.
Compiling the C library.
Change to the sources, then c directory. Edit the Makefile and change
the JDK_HOME and compiler settings to your system. Here are my settings:
# C Compiler to use
= g++
# Location of the JDK, since we require files in the java/include
# Platform. This is the name of the folder in the java/include
Then just run the make command.
Compiling the Java
library. I
assume (and hope, ^.^) you're using Eclipse. It only
speeds up this process by about a 100 times.
Start a new project, name it anything, say avetanaBluetooth. Import all
the sources from sources/de and sources/javax. Next you need to import
the C library that you've compiled just now.
Finally export your project into jar. A good tutorial can be found here.
Done. To use the library, right click on your project. Click on
properties and select Java Build Path. Click on Libraries tab. If
you're imported the library, then click on Add JARs or if its still
somewhere in your harddisk, click on Add External JARs.